By-product: it is a by-product and not a waste any substance or object that meets all the following conditions:
- a) the substance or object is derived from a production process, of which it is an integral part, and whose primary purpose is not the production of that substance or object;
- b) it is certain that the substance or object will be used, during the same or a subsequent production or use process, by the producer or a third party;
- c) the substance or object can be used directly without any further processing other than normal industrial practice;
- d) the further use is legal, i.e., the substance or object fulfils, for the specific use, all relevant product, health and environmental protection requirements and will not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health impacts.
Circular Economy: an economy that is regenerative by design, both in terms of biological and technical flows. From the point of view of materials, a Circular Economy is achieved by implementing actions to improve efficiency in the use of resources and to prevent or reduce the negative impact due to waste generation and management, through the recycling of waste as well as the reuse of production and processing waste, allowing its continuous development and innovation. These actions are considered effective in reducing Europe’s dependence on imports of raw materials and improving the overall environment and the well-being of citizens.
Content of recycled and recovered material and by-products: proportion, in mass, within a product, of material obtained from recycling and/or recovery and/or reuse of by-products.
End of waste: waste that ceases to be waste when it has undergone a recycling or other recovery operation, if it meets the following conditions:
- the substance or object is intended to be used for specific purposes;
- there is a market or demand for that substance or object;
- the substance or object meets the technical requirements for the specific purposes and complies with existing legislation and standards applicable to products; and
- the use of the substance or object will not lead to overall adverse environmental or human health impacts.
European List of Waste (ELoW): list of the different types of waste, specifically defined by means of the six-digit code for each individual waste and the corresponding four-digit and two-digit codes for the respective chapters (Decision 2000/532/EC as amended and supplemented).
Family: set of products having the following characteristics:
they belong to the same product category, with the same production process;
they are made up of the same components relevant to the content of recycled material (e.g., additives, paints, dyes etc. without recycled material content are not to be considered);
No more than 10 products may belong to a family.
Green public Procurement: the approach according to which Contracting Authorities implement environmental criteria in all phases of the purchasing process, encouraging the diffusion of environmental technologies and the development of environmentally valid products, through the research and the choice of results and solutions that have the least possible impact on the environment throughout the entire life cycle. It is an environmental policy instrument that aims to encourage the development of a market of products and services with reduced environmental impact by means of public demand. Green Public Procurement is based on Minimum Environmental Criteria fixed by national authorities and within which environmental product certifications, with high reliability requirements, are recognised as a means of proof.
Industrial symbiosis: interaction between different production plants aimed at maximising the reuse of resources normally considered waste (waste and by-products). From an industrial symbiosis perspective, waste produced by a company is reused by another to replace production inputs or to be transformed into new products for the end-user market.
Material recovery: any recovery operation, other than energy recovery and reprocessing to obtain materials that are to be used as fuels or other means to produce energy.
Preparation for reuse: recovery operations which consist of the check, cleaning, dismantling and repair through which products or components of products that have become waste are prepared so that they can be reused without any further pre-treatment.
Process: a set of related or interactive activities that transform inputs into outputs.
Product: it is the result of a process and it is the good subject to REMADE® certification, whose components are made in whole, or in part, of recycled, recovered material and by-products. The certified product can be a material, a semi-finished or final product. Packaging used to contain and protect certain goods, to allow their handling and delivery from the producer to the consumer or user, and to ensure their presentation, as well as disposable items used for the same purpose are not part of the product; the packaging may be a product subject to certification.
Product category: one or more group(s) of goods having the same function in terms of use or in terms of functional characteristics with respect to the methods of application and/or use. A product category may have subcategories that define its functions or methods of use in a more precise way than the general product category.
Rebranding: process whereby a product or service developed and distributed under a name, a trademark,
a brand or under a company name is reintroduced into the market under another name or a different identity, without its composition and production process being altered in any way.
Recycling: any recovery operation through which waste is processed to obtain products, materials or substances to be used for its original function or for other purposes. It includes the processing of organic material but does not include energy recovery or reprocessing into materials to be used as fuels or for backfilling operations.
Reuse: any operation by which products or components that are not waste are used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived.
Traceability: a process that keeps track of the origin and provenance of materials and recycled, recovered material and by-products during manufacture and up to the release of the final REMADE® certified product, as well as the subsequent ways in which the product is identified in distribution and sale. The traceability of a REMADE® certified product must be verifiable by any external party at any time during the period of validity of the certification.
Waste: any substance or object which the holder discards, intends to discard or is required to discard.
Waste oil regeneration: any recycling operation to produce base oils by refining waste oils, involving in particular the separation of contaminants, oxidation products and additives contained in such oils.
Waste sorting: the collection in which a flow of waste is kept separate according to the type and nature of the waste in order to facilitate its specific treatment.